Bye-bye to Summer Frizz

With the summer heat comes a lot of great things: weather, the beach, barbecues and sun tans. However, there’s one thing we can do without and that is the frizz that often comes with the humidity that accompanies the heat. Enter the battle with frizzy hair but perhaps this summer could be different. With the right products and preventative and protective measures, this could be the summer you say bye-bye to frizz for good.

Oftentimes frizz comes as a result of lack of hydration in our locks. This is where our preventative measures start, by staying hydrated all summer. Next step?

Make sure to do a hydrating and moisturizing mask at least once a week and twice for optimal results. Making sure your strands are hydrated from the root will seriously reduce your frizz factor. Keep in mind that heat styling makes our hair even more prone to frizz during the summer heat so with that you want to invest in products such as heat protectant sprays and serums to seal your heated style.

You’re also going to want to ditch your usual hair towel and opt for a towel just for drying your hair. Our usual terry cloth towels promote breakage in our strands which leads to frizz but a microfiber towel or even a cotton t-shirt is much gentler on your hair. While you’re ditching your towel you’re also going to want to ditch your hair brush and go with a wide tooth comb for detangling or a soft bristle wet brush which cuts down immensely on breakage due to their pliable bristles. Combining these tips and products with protective styles such as braids or ponytails and a light finishing spray or light-hold gel or cream, is a great way to say goodbye to frizz for good.

Style Sonata

We are Style Sonata –– a meeting place for the free-spirited and the adventurer at heart. Over the years, we’ve built a community of bon vivants who dance to their own beat and who live life passionately. And we believe in a new luxury –– the luxury of the authentic, rare and unique.

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