New Way to Enjoy Watermelon

With summer comes parties, barbecues and a multitude of other celebrations that require us to bring something. Usually it’s easiest to opt for premade potato salad or a quick loaf from the local bakery but if you’re looking to step your game up with a new (and easy) recipe to bring to the potluck, then we’ve got you covered. When it comes to fruit, it’s easy to simply throw together a quick fruit salad or chop up some cubed watermelon. Everyone loves fruit but it can easily be the most forgettable option on the food table. That is until you try our watermelon and feta salad recipe below.

Much like our other recipe recommendations, this one is quick and easy and of course, delicious. All you need for this recipe is 1 watermelon, 1 cup of feta cheese, 1 bundle of basil, 1⁄2 red onion, red wine vinegar and olive oil. First, cube your watermelon. This is probably the most time consuming part just making sure everything is evenly sliced. Next, combine your feta, your sliced red onion and chopped basil leaves into a large serving bowl. Your dressing consists of 1⁄3 cup of olive oil and 1⁄4 cup of red wine vinegar but you can also measure that to your taste preference as well. Finally, for an added touch we like to add lots of fresh black pepper for added flavor and a little kick. Trust us, this salad will change the way you eat watermelon and will become a hot request at every party this summer. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Style Sonata

We are Style Sonata –– a meeting place for the free-spirited and the adventurer at heart. Over the years, we’ve built a community of bon vivants who dance to their own beat and who live life passionately. And we believe in a new luxury –– the luxury of the authentic, rare and unique.

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Mesh Medley